Observing Log, UCAO Friday Aug 30, 2019


I spent a few hours at the UCAO with Aiden and George Allman.

Skies cleared around 9 pm and we got 2 hours of good viewing before we called it quits.

Sky viewing quality was not great. After the storms passed, there was still a lot of turbulence in the atmosphere and some haze. We could see the lightning flashes from the storm to the west echoing across the whole sky from the residual haze, clouds and moisture.

As an example of how strong the turbulence was, we recorded some video through my Canon D60a of Saturn. It was at about a 40 degree elevation.

Here is the video: 

You can literally see the waves of atmospheric turbulence pass over the surface of Saturn.

The background sky was still very dark. We were able to capture some pretty good shots of four nebula: M16, M17, M20 and M27.  Each image is uncorrected- no flats, no darks, just the raw image for a 60 second exposure using my canon D60a, iso 6400 at prime focus of the LX200.

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