Episode 007 In the Lab with Eric: It’s Alive!

In this episode, I show you the next experiment to try after Blink, giving your Arduino a heartbeat. This is covered in, Arduinos without Tears

You can purchase this book from Addie Rose Press here as a pdf, kindle or paperback.

If you can write a sketch to make your Arduino Blink, you can do this experiment: make the on-board LED flash like a heartbeat.

Instead of making the on-board LED flash off and on, make it flash like a heartbeat, with a thump-thump…thump-thump…thump-thump…

How would you write this sketch?

I am not going to post the code. It is good practice to type it in yourself. This will give you the muscle memory to learn the steps.

Check out Arduinos without Tears here.

And, this is just book 1 in the series of Saturday Afternoon Low-Cost Electronics Projects series.

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